Bertram Luckhurst and Kevin McCambly won city council seats in their respective races.
Johnson is running for Lake and Peninsula School District school board seat A. The election is October 3.
Fowler is running for the Lake and Peninsula School District school board seat C. The election is October 3.
Pedersen is running Lake for Peninsula Borough Assembly seat D. The election is October 3.
Karl Clark is running for Dillingham City School District school board seat B. The election is October 3.
Kevin McCambly is running for Dillingham City Council seat F. The election is October 3.
Sharp is running for seat C on Southwest Region School District's school board. The election is October 3.
Bumpus is running for Seat D on the Lake and Peninsula Borough Assembly. The election is October 3.
Stitchler is running for a spot on the school board. The election is October 3.
Election Day is October 3! Local politics most immediately affects our lives, and voting in your municipal election is one way you can have a say in your community.
Hill is running as the incumbent for seat C for the Lake and Peninsula School Board. The election is October 3, 2023.
Ron Johnson is running for Dillingham City Council seat F. The election is October 3, 2023.