Today is the general election and registered voters will have several choices to make, in addition to casting their vote for the next president of the United States.
What's on the ballot?
Four candidates are running for the Alaska Congressional seat in the U.S. House. They include incumbent Democrat Mary Peltola, Republican Nick Begich, Democrat Eric Hafner, and Alaskan Independence Party candidate John Wayne Howe.
Voters will also get to vote for one of two candidates running for Alaska State House Representative for District 37.
The candidates for Alaska State House District 37 are Incumbent Bryce Edgmon, a registered independent, and challenger Darren Deacon, a registered non-partisan.
Additionally, there are two ballot measures that Alaskans can vote on.
Ballot Measure 1 would increase Alaska’s minimum wage from $11.73 per hour to $15 per hour by 2027. After that, it would increase annually depending on inflation rates.
It would also make it mandatory for employers to pay employees about a week’s worth of sick leave per year and it would ban employers from requiring their employees attend religious and political forums.
Alaskans also get to vote on Ballot Measure 2. The Measure would repeal the open primaries and ranked-choice voting system that voters approved back in 2020. If the majority of votes are “yes,” Alaska elections would shift back to political party primaries and voters would only vote for one candidate per race in future elections.
As it stands now, voters can rank who they prefer, no matter what party the candidate identifies with.
What do I need to cast my vote?
Voters must present one form of acceptable ID.
Acceptable forms of ID include a Voter ID card, driver’s license, state ID, passport, a hunting or fishing license, or other current or valid photo ID.
You may also present a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government-issued document if it includes both your name and your current address.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at designated voting locations.
Voting Locations
Location: Dillingham City Hall, 141 Main St E, 3rd Floor
Election day hours: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Phone number: (907) 842-5212
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Aleknagik City Hall, 33 Main St.
Election day hours: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Phone number: (907) 842-5953
Yup’ik language services will be available.
Location: Egegik City Hall, 189 Airport Rd.
Election day hours: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Phone number: (907) 233-2400
Location: Manokotak City Office, Salmon St.
Election day hours: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Phone number: (907) 289-2007
Yup’ik language services will be available.
Location: Bristol Bay Borough Building assembly room
Phone number: (907) 246-4443
New Stuyahok
Location: Manokotak City Office, Salmon St.
Phone number: (907) 693-3171
Yup’ik language services will be available.
Clarks Point
Clarks Point Village Council Office, Saguyak Ave.
Ekwok City Hall, 101 Main St.
King Salmon
King Salmon Village Council Building
Koliganek Village Council Building, 5057 Main Rd.
Levelock Rainbow Hall
Port Hieden
Port Heiden Community Building, 2200 James St.
South Naknek
South Naknek Recreational Hall, 113 Airport St.
Togiak City Office, 2nd and G St.