Many Bristol Bay salmon processors give bonuses to fishermen who can chill the fish sitting in their boat’s hold. That’s not so easy, though, when ice is…
Eastside districts saw big numbers this weekend as Naknek-Kvichak surged forward with enormous catch and escapement figures on Saturday, encompassing 17…
Not to sound like a broken record, but 2018 seems to be all about breaking records in Bristol Bay. The Nushagak District just hit an all-time best harvest…
Ugashik put away 400,000 fish yesterday, and one tender says it was the best day yet in that district. Naknek-Kvichak still going. Plus, a genetics guy…
Another two million on the books yesterday, and Area Management Biologist Travis Elison speculates on how long catches’ll stay at that level. And, we…
Fish are hitting Naknek-Kvichak. Setnetters are wide-open in the Nushagak. Will today be the first two million fish catch day of the season?Was Saturday…
Egegik had its best day yet on Thursday, and Naknek-Kvichak Manager Travis Elison weighs in on what might be headed up from Port Moller. The 2 billionth…
Today, Scott Raborn reminds that the only thing we know for sure is that the run is never quite what we expect, we check on the age of fish returning so…
Tonight we hear about an opener in the Naknek-Kvichak District, summer school has started at Ekuk - and take a quick look at the state's seafood marketing…
Tonight we hear that catches are still slower than hoped in the Nushagak District, a 5-year-old fills us in on Finding Dory, and a real meterologist gives…