Over 160-thousand official public comments have been received by the EPA regarding their proposed restrictions on the controversial Pebble Mine. However,…
The EPA’s proposed restrictions on development of the Pebble Mine in the Bristol Bay region are currently open for public comment. However, the deadline…
The deadline is coming up next week to comment on the EPA’s proposal to put in place protections in Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine. KDLG’s Mike…
A public EPA hearing in Dillingham gave a number of responsive advocates the chance to voice their appeals on both sides of the EPA’s proposal to protect…
Thursday’s EPA hearing in Dillingham is the latest part of the ongoing Pebble Mine conflict. KDLG’s Chase Cavanaugh has more. The US Environmental…
Before leaving for summer break, US Senator Lisa Murkowski revealed the results of the negotiations with Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee…
Very early this morning the Environmental Protection Agency released the details of how they plan to protect the Bristol Bay region from a proposed large…
The United Tribes of Bristol Bay recently announced it would intervene in a lawsuit filed by the Pebble Limited Partnership against the EPA’s use of its…
Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency announced for the first time ever there is now a minimum on how…
Several groups dedicated to stopping development of the proposed Pebble Mine are criticizing Alaska’s senior U.S. Senator for supporting legislation that…