Raising the school threshold to 20 could save an estimated $7 million, but rural districts and lawmakers say such a change would be a "death knell" for…
Alaska Governor Sean Parnell signed education reform legislation during a signing ceremony on Tuesday. KDLG’s Mike Mason has the details.
The Alaska Federation of Natives is joining the call for lawmakers to increase funding for Alaska’s public schools. AFN is also calling for any such…
A member of the Democratic Minority in the Alaska Senate is working on legislation that would significantly increase education funding in Alaska. KDLG’s…
The members of a special task force on education in Alaska have wrapped up their work and have sent a series of recommendations to the members of the…
The Bering Strait School District, which serves a huge swath of western Alaska, is facing increasing costs while at the same time preparing for funding…
As the Senate debates the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind act, Senator Lisa Murkowski has put forth two bills intended to better serve Alaskan…
The Board of Education for the Dillingham City School District passed a budget for the next school year during their meeting Monday night. This comes as…
The issue of education funding has come to the forefront of discussions in the Alaska Legislature this week. KDLG's Mike Mason reports.
The issue of increasing funding for Alaska's public school's took center stage Monday in Juneau. KDLG's Mike Mason has the story.