Updated Tuesday, April 28. A list of closures and schedule changes for organizations and events around Bristol Bay. We will update this page as new information is provided.
Below is a list of entities around Bristol Bay that have altered their normal hours of operation and access to facilities. We will be updating this list as schedules change and the situation develops.

City of Dillingham - administrative offices (City Hall, Public Works, and Public Safety:
Open. Customers may be asked to observe social distancing during visits. The city encourages customers to call or email if possible. There will be no group events at any city facility. Public meetings of the city council, boards and commissions are being evaluated.
Dillingham Trial Court:
There will be limited services through May 1.
All hearings are telephonic unless otherwise specifically ordered. No admittance to the court buildling for hearings.
The clerk's offices will have limited public access. No admittance to the court building except for emergency services as authorized below:
- To pay bail. For questions regarding payment of bail, please call 842-5215.
- To file domestic violence, stalking, or other protective proceeding emergency petitions, call 842-5215 to make an appointment. Access will be granted at time of appointment.
- No public viewing of case files.
- No marriance licenses will be issued.
- No conformed copies.
For all other services, court patrons must mail documents via USPS or file by electronic mail at 3DIMailbox@akcourts.us
For more information, go to the court system website: www.courts.alaska.gov or call the court at 842-5215
City of Dillingham - Senior Center:
Closed as of March 18.
City of Dillingham - Library:
Closed as of March 18 until further notice.
Dillingham City School District:
The Dillingham City School District is furthering its extension of spring break to May 4, along with all activities at the school.
The school district will be providing a meal service and delivery for all students. School staff are also working on developing “off-site curriculum” for students. There will be another update from the district on March 25.
Dillingham City School District meeting for March 23 is now cancelled.
SAFE and Fear Free Enviroment, INC:
No visitors or foot traffic allowed inside the building effective immediately. Ulla's is not accepting any donations during this time. The shelter will remain open. If you are sick, you will be referred to Public Health or BBAHC for screening prior to moving into shelter.
Bristol Alliance Fuels:
Bristol Alliance Fuels Tank Farms will be operating 9 - 5 p.m. in both Naknek and Dillingham during the weekdays. Deliveries will continue as usual.
"We are well supplied with Heating Fuel, Diesel, AvGas, Jet Fuel, Unleaded fuel and Propane," said President Joe Losciuto in a message.
Bristol Express in Dillingham will be closed until further notice. Propane orders will be filled at the BAF Tank farm in Dillingham.
Bristol Bay Native Association:
Public access to BBNA facilities will be limited until further notice. BBNA will continue to provide services during normal business hours, with limited public access.
- All entrances are locked.
- If you have an appointment with a staff member, please call ahead.
- Applications and forms will be placed in the main entry way of the main office building from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Applicants and clients must submit applications, forms and paperwork by email, fax or by utilizing the drop boxes located at the main office and village TANF officers.
- Food Bank clients will receive boxes at the Lower Annex Food Bank entrance, please contact 907-842-3663 prior to arrival.
- Workforce Development staff required to telecommunicate or work from home. Staff will continue to process applications and other services.
- Applications can be found here. Applications can be submitted by emailing staff, faxing to 842-3498 or sending via mail to: BBNA Workforce Development, PO Box 310, Dillingham, AK 99576
Bristol Bay Native Corporation:
The BBNC Anchorage and in-region offices are closed to the public until further notice.
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation:
Offices closed to in-person traffic until further notice.
All travel for program participants has been suspended until further notice. All BBEDC applications and forms can be accessed and downloaded at www.bbedc.com.
Alaska Legal Services Corporation - Bristol Bay Office
Alaska Legal Services offices are closed to the public until further notice. Alaska Legal Services continues to provide legal services during normal business hours remotely. Applications for legal services can be found here.
Please mail, fax, or email applications to:
Alaska Legal Services
P.O. Box 176
1500 Kanakanak Road
Dillingham, AK 99576-0176
Fax: 888-383-2448
Email: dillingham@alsc-law.org; cmeans@alsc-law.org; ddoggettjohnson@alsc-law.org
To speak with an ALSC attorney please call:
(907) 842-1452 or Toll Free: 1-888-391-1475
Offices closed as of March 18. A customer service representative will be available for payments, trouble tickets and connect services at 907-842-5251. Paperwork can be completed via email or fax. Members that need to pick up equipment can drive up to the business office and a customer service representative will bring it to the vehicle.
Sea Inn Bar:
Closed indefinitely.
Tide Table Coffee:
Closed indefinitely as of March 24.
Togiak National Wildlife Refuge:
The Togiak Refuge office is temporarily closed. If you wish to file a caribou hunt report or contact the refuge for other business, call 907-843-9590. Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
March 31 was the last day for the federal Nushagak Peninsula caribou hunt. Hunters are required to turn in hunt reports whether or not they hunted. To file hunt reports, fill out a paper copy of the harvest report and mail it or call 907-842-8406 and leave a message with your name, phone number, permit numbers, sex of caribou, and date of harvest.
Wells Fargo:
- The drive thru is open! Enter from corner near the post office. Ext near corner by the library.
- Lobby hours are M-F. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- We are limiting the number of people allowed in the building to 10
- We may be locking the door to limit the number of people entering
- If you need to see a banker, you must make an appointment in advance
- We encourage you to use our online and digital options to stay out of the public as much as possible
- For help setting up mobile services, text SETUP to 93557
- For small businesses, text BIZ to 93557
- Deposits increasing to $5,000 daily, may be recieved in the Night Deposit Drop Box.
- Lobby now closed to all traffic.
- Drive-thru open M - F 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
For appointments, call 907-842-5284 if not answered, call Regional Manager Jenny Dill at 907-842-8500
Sea Inn Bar:
Open for curbside service 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
They will serve food, water, soda, alcohol, beer and wine, and ice. Lemons and limes are available.
Contact the Sea Inn at 843-2233.
Willow Tree Bar:
Closed indefinitely.
The Bristol Bay Campus is closed to the public. Campus staff are working from home and checking phone messages and email at this time. If a college student would like to use the computer lab please call a day ahead of time at 907-842-5109.
The math support specialist is available to help work through math remotely. If there is an elementary or middle school parent who needs help with their student's math homework give the campus a call.
Choggiung Limited:
The Choggiung Limited office in Dillingham is closed to the public until further notice. Call 907-842-5218 if you need assistance with any programs or services.
Closed until further notice.
Bristol Bay Borough:
Bristol Bay Borough Administration Offices:
Closed to in-person traffic through April 6. For assistance, call 907-246-4224 ext. 308.
The court will also be closed during this time. For assistance call 907-842-5251.
Bristol Bay Borough School District:
The Bristol Bay Borough School District announced through Facebook that they will comply with the state and extend spring break through May 1.
BBBSD will continue to provide food services for students and the elder lunch program in coordination with BBNA.
Homebound instruction begins March 24. Please feel free to contact Principal Shannon Harvilla or Superintendent Bill Hill with any ideas or concerns.
Bristol Bay Borough Landfill:
Winter hours for the landfill have been extended through April. The landfill will be open to the public Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
To comply with social distancing and protect staff, the landfill is not accepting the following items at this time:
- Used oil and antifreeze
- Fluorescent bulbs
- Batteries and paint
Please hold these items until they can be disposed of properly at the landfill.
The borough reminds the public that people under self-quarantine cannot bring refuse to the landfill.
Naknek and South Naknek libraries:
Closed to the public. Free Wifi is still available in the library parking lots and nearby buildings. Library staff is still available by phone during regular working hours. South Naknek: 907-246-6513.
Martin Monsen Regional Public Library: 907-246-4465.
Tuesday and Thursday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday and Monday: CLOSED
South Naknek Branch: 907-246-6513
Sunday: CLOSED
Tuesday - Friday: 1 - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 1 - 5:00 p.m.
King Salmon DMV:
The DMV is closed until April 7. Please use the online DMV option at doa.alaska.gov/dmv
This list is evolving. If you have information or updates on your business or organization, please contact isabelle@kdlg.org or 907-842-2200.