Public Radio for Alaska's Bristol Bay

Lawmakers Call for an AG Investigation of the Jerry Andrew Active Case

Alaska Department of Public Safety

3 members of the Alaska Legislature are calling for the Alaska Attorney General to investigate the circumstances behind the release of Jerry Andrew Active from jail just hours before he allegedly committed a double homicide and sexual assault in Anchorage. On Wednesday Senate Minority Leader Johnny Ellis was joined by Senator Bill Wielechowski and Representative Geran Tarr in sending a letter to Attorney General Michael Geraghty calling for the investigation. Jerry Andrew Active is charged with killing an elderly couple and sexually assaulting their 2-year old great granddaughter. In the letter the lawmakers write that this gruesome and tragic crime leaves all Alaskans feeling vulnerable and wondering how someone such as Mr. Active could be released from prison after what appears to be less than 2-years. The lawmakers note that they are committed to working with the Alaska Department of Law and the members of the Alaska Legislature to ensure that individuals like Mr. Active are not allowed to walk the streets freely. Active was released from state custody on Saturday and he allegedly committed his crimes less than 12-hours later. In a written statement Representative Tarr said that she is appalled that a violent predator such as this man was out of jail after only 2 years. Senator Wielechowski says Alaskans need to know why someone who had been previously charged with multiple assaults and the attempted sexual assault of an 11-year old girls was walking free this past Saturday. Senator Ellis says that it’s clear that once all the details are in, we must find the right legislative approach to try and prevent this from ever happening again.

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