Individuals can receive up to $500 and households can get up to $1,500. Businesses and nonprofits can qualify for up to $10,000.
Residents of the Bristol Bay Borough can now apply for financial relief through its CARES act grant program. The program was established to help people affected by the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The deadline to apply is November 6th at 4 p.m.
Individuals can receive up to $500 and households can get up to $1,500. There is a maximum of one application per household. To prove that the pandemic has financially affected them. Examples include furlough, layoff or reduced work hours.
Once a grant amount is approved, that funding is sent directly to lease or mortgage holders, utility companies, or heating fuel providers. It can only be used to pay current invoices and bills.
Businesses and nonprofits can qualify for up to $10,000 to put towards making up for financial difficulties due to a range of pandemic-related factors, from the loss of sales due to mandatory shutdowns to additional operating expenses for enacting protective measures. Those expenses must have been incurred after March 1.
Fishermen and fishery related businesses do not qualify for business grants through the borough. The borough suggests fishery-related businesses can instead apply for relief from the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association.
Businesses must have a physical address in the borough, as well as a current Alaska State Business license. Businesses cannot qualify for the borough’s CARES program if they have already received COVID-19 assistance through another entity. They are also unqualified if they are a C Corporation traded on a U.S. Stock Exchange, in bankruptcy proceedings, or if they are part of a national chain.
Nonprofits in the Bristol Bay Borough can qualify for up to $10,000 in CARES assistance. They must have a physical location in the borough, as well as a current federal nonprofit designation and have similar limitations to businesses.
To find out more or to apply, check out the borough website or email